Whether you require conventional or automated casing running services, hammer services, or cementing solutions, Premiere can address your unique needs. The highly qualified Premiere team uses a combination of the latest industry technology and in-house designed Premiere product line to ensure that every job exceeds the standards and expectations of the customer.
We have developed a line of patented Premiere casing, tubing and cementing tools that surpass the performance of standard industry equipment. The Premiere product line is comprised of the Premiere Running Tool (PRT), Premiere Stabberless Elevator (PSE), Premiere Torque Rings (PTR), Rotating Cement Head (RCH) and Premiere Magnum Power Tongs. With the Premiere product line, we will get the job done fast and safely.
We welcome you to experience the difference with Premiere.
These values define our professional integrity and provide a source of company-wide pride.
Go to ValuesPremiere's extensive safety standards exemplify our goal to have precedence over our competitors.
Go to SafetyPremiere team members uphold the highest standards of quality, service, and professionalism.
Go to TrainingPremiere has developed a line of patented casing, tubing and cementing tools that surpass the performance of standard industry equipment. By dedicating our time and resources to research and development, we continue to build upon and improve our product line for the benefit of our customers.