1. Install reliable lighting.
Installing lighting in areas without good light can help your crew do their jobs more easily and protect them from injury. In places on the rig without good visibility, customized safety signage and round-the-clock lighting lets workers know there are potential dangers ahead. If a storm hits or another kind of emergency knocks out your rig’s lights, you want to have backup lighting readily available, as well.
2. Protect your machines.
Accidents can occur when your crew doesn’t know how to properly maintain or work around your equipment. Improper maintenance of machines also makes them more temperamental, and prone to dangerous breakdowns. The risk from these machines can be decreased by training your employees properly, performing routine maintenance checks for this gear, and planning lockout/tagout tools and procedures.
3. Ensure surfaces are slip-proof.
Many surfaces on drilling rigs can get wet, which, of course, makes them slippery to navigate. Eliminate falls by installing surfaces and purchasing products that will help workers keep their footing on slick, uneven, or elevated areas. Also, assign your crew the task of wiping down the rig daily. Remember, unless it’s a rainy day, there’s no reason that your rig’s surfaces should be wet.
4. Stock the rig with a sufficient number of repair and safety kits.
Don’t make your crew run around if they need to find a repair or safety kit. Instead, give them easy access to toolboxes throughout the rig. Repair kits should include welding gear, power tools, electrical parts, handling aids, and plumbing so that repairs can be made quickly in a pinch. Safety kits should be easy to find if minor injury does occur.
5. Make sure your crew is always identifiable.
It’s a safety risk if you don’t have ID tags for your crew, as well as putting procedures in place for them to check in and out. These kinds of identity-based procedures help you know where your personnel is at all times so that if an accident did occur you could provide better information to emergency responders.
6. Outfit your rig with the safest equipment.
There have been plenty of developments over the last decades in safe equipment for your rig. Premiere, Inc. specializes in casing, tubing, and cementing tools that provide increased safety guarantees at the job site. For example, our Premiere Stabberless Elevator (PSE) removes the need for a stabbing arm, which reduces the possibility for injury. Additionally, our Premiere Dual Unit Tong Trucks get rid of the need for forklifts, which lowers crew handling risk.
Give Premier, Inc. a call today to learn how our tools can make your rig safer and your operations smoother.